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Technology Department

The Park Ridge School District initiated a 1:1 MacBook laptop program during the 2013/14 school year.  Since then, our program has grown to include students in grades four through twelve.  These students have use of their own individual laptop during the course of the school year, including the ability to take the laptops home.

Our Technology staff is committed to providing service and support to our students and staff.  Our Apple Certified Technicians service and repair the majority of issues in-house, thus providing a quick turnaround for any problems that may occur.  We maintain many filtering programs to assure our students and staff remain safe online in school and at home.

As part of this initiative, we support our staff with professional development sessions to enhance their use of technology in the classroom.  We are a Schoology district that also uses Google Classroom to communicate and assist our students and staff.

Technology Documents

Technology Staff
Patrick Bernardo
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology
Michael Marseglia
Coordinator of Information Technology
Steve Prihoda
Apple Repair Specialist
Thomas Cleary
By Phone:
201-573-6000 ext. 1500