About Us
Imagine, Believe, Achieve
Welcome to West Ridge Elementary School! We believe that success is for everyone. An important goal of our school is to engage and support West Ridge students to be caring, responsible, and productive individuals within our school and the larger world community. Each month our School Climate Team selects a different character education word. An assembly is held focused on learning about that quality and award winners are picked, based upon exhibiting that quality during each month. We support our students to excel academically and to be self-directed, life-long learners fully prepared to thrive in the world of today and the world they will meet in the future. We strongly believe in the spirit of community among the members of our school. Parents are integral partners with us as we enable each child to achieve his or her individual potential. Our 1-1 Laptop program in grades 3-6 is instrumental in students learning responsibility, independence ,and the technological skills to be successful moving forward.
West Ridge Elementary School is a warm, safe, happy, and active school. Seeing smiling children throughout our building is a clear indication of what is important to us. We support our students to live full, happy lives and we provide them every opportunity to achieve academic excellence. Every September young eager children enter our doors as pre-school and kindergarten youngsters, and in June, we graduate many successful young adults from sixth grade. We cherish the seven or eight years we have with our students, as we work together to provide them an enjoyable, meaningful environment in which to grow and learn creatively. At West Ridge, we believe “Life affords no greater responsibility, no greater privilege, than the raising of the next generation.” - C. Everett Koop, M.D.
West Ridge is a school of independent readers, writers, thinkers, performers, musicians, artists, scientists, mathematicians, and health lovers.
Facts and Figures:
- School Day – 8:35 AM to 3:20 PM (dismissal times for Pk and K will vary)
- Approximately 350 students
- Class sizes - 15 to 22 (Pre-K will vary)
- Grade Levels: Pre-K through Grade six
- 2 Preschool classes and 2 Full-Day Kindergarten classes
- Students arrive at school by car or they walk to school
- After school Homework Club is offered 2 times each week for those who qualify
- Beginner Band and Advanced Band perform 2 concerts per year and rehearse in mornings before school
- Staff numbers: 18 Classroom Teachers, 19 Support Teachers, 1 school nurse, 3 CST members, 2 Secretaries.
- Staff includes:
2 Social Workers, 1 LD/TC, 1 Physical Education Teacher, 1 School Nurse, 2 Speech Teachers, 3 Basic Skills Teachers, 1 Counselor, 1 Vocal Music Teacher, 1 Art Teacher, 1 Instrumental Music Teacher, 1 English as Second Language Teacher, 1 Spanish Teacher, 1 French Teacher, 1 Technology Teacher, 4.5 Special Education Teachers, 1 Librarian/Media Specialist. Many special area teachers are shared with East Brook School.